

Platinum sugar gliders are light silver with a light gray dorsal stripe and tail tip.  The stripe is usually narrower than other colors’ dorsal stripes.  Platinum is recessive, but it is a little more complicated than that.  So you can produce platinum offspring through a visual platinum x 100% het platinum or through two 100% het platinums.  However, platinum can also use the leucistic gene to produce platinum gliders.  So for example, if you have a platinum glider and pair it with a leucistic glider, you can produce platinum offspring even if the leucistic glider does not carry a platinum gene.  So while platinum is recessive in the sense that both parents need to carry the gene, it doesn’t have to be the platinum gene, it could also be a leucisitic gene.  So platinum x platinum or platinum x leucistic will result in platinum offspring.  You can also pair platinums with mosaics and create True Platinum Mosaics (TPM).  We give the name this further distinction, because mosaics can often have gray or silver tints so determining a TPM is a bit more difficult and does require both parents to be carriers of the platinum gene (or one a carrier of the leu gene).

Start the search for your Glider!

We will discuss the process in more detail and get you started on the road to owning your first Sugar Gliders.